Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Easy Weight Loss Tips

Here's a few helpful hints that make the weight loss game a little easier and give you an edge in the never ending battle. My battle rages everyday and I am always looking for a few handy tips. These tips are ones I use and they are easy. You and I both know, it must be easy or we won't do it!

1.Drink a glass or ice cold water as soon as you sit down for your meal. Or, enjoy a bowl of broth-based soup just before your entree.

2.Before having your meal, about 30 minutes before, preceed your meal with an apple, raw vegetables or a salad with reduced fat dressing. Doing so will curb your appetite and give your diet a fiber boost. Remember, fiber is your best friend in this weight loss battle.

3. Keep your blood sugar (and your appetite) at an even keel all day long by not going any longer than 5 hours without having something to eat. Keep celery sticks, carrots, bell pepper strips close at hand for munchies. The crispy crunch helps weight loss by giving you a psycological boost.

4.Eat multiple, healthy mini meals throughout the day rather than a few large ones. This does mean a candy bar! We are talking fruits and veggies here.
5.Eat a carb and protein-comprised snack 1 to 2 hours before your meal. For example, reduced fat cheese and crackers or cereal with low-fat yogurt.

6.Avoid overeating due to emotions by talking to a counselor or close friend, or keeping a journal. Or, log on to a message board or chat room you enjoy to get support from your "virtual" friends. If those are not available, take a 30 minute walk.

7.Exercise! When you feel a binge coming on, exercise is a great way to elevate your mood and get your mind off food. It also relieves stress. Weight loss is never an easy project. Protect your emotional self with plenty of exercise.

8.When dining out, ask your server to package up half of your entree in to-go container when he brings your meal. Chances are you won't open that container and eat the rest there and then. Think about how many times you may have done this without realizing you just won a round in the weight loss battle by eating half the calories you normally would have.

Weight loss is a battle we wage everyday, and a good portion of it is done by just implementing a few little tricks. If you see any new tricks online, skype me. I am always looking for new, easy tips to aide in the battle of weight loss.

Marilyn Nelson
Skype: marnels